Fiscal Sponsorship
Our Fiscally Sponsored Projects in Action!
Estela Vasquez, member of The Radical Elders is a 2024 Honoree of the Clara Lemlich Awards. The Clara Lemlich Awards for social activism celebrate the lives of incredible women whose many decades of brilliant activism have made real and lasting change in the world. The 2024 Lemlich Awards will be held on Monday, May 13 at 4:00PM, Museum of the City of New York, Fifth Avenue at 103rd Street. The event will be in person and live-streamed. Click below to learn more!
Fiscal Sponsorship
The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) is proud to invite grassroots progressive organizations and projects to utilize our fiscal sponsorship services. IFCO is a interfaith organization designed to assist oppressed people in the fight for social justice and self-determination. As part of our mission we have served as fiscal sponsor for a variety of progressive grassroots projects. These are some of the projects we currently support.
Our Current Projects:
Call to Action for Puerto Rico (CTA) | Coalition to Finally End Mayoral Control 2022 (CFEMC) | ContraCovid | EL Comite | Equality for Flatbush | Gifts of Gab | God of the Oppressed | Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees (HWHR) | The Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice | Jericho Movement | Prolibertad | Right 2 Survive (R2S) | Seattle Friendship Committee (SCFC) | The Shoeleather History Project
Latin American School of Medicine
The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) has been working since 1991 on a variety of projects to bring about reconciliation and normalized relations between the United States and Cuba and to challenge the immoral US economic blockade of Cuba. Since 1999, IFCO has been working with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), organizing Congressional delegations to visit Cuba. It was during one of these delegations in May 2000 that Cuban medical school scholarships were first offered to US students.
Need a Fiscal Sponsor?
Please reach out to us to kickstart your organization’s fiscal sponsorship with IFCO.Email us at: with the subject line “Fiscal Sponsorship Request”. Include in your message the name of your organization, its mission, and how your work matches IFCO’s sponsorship considerations. You will receive a response regarding next steps in 2-3 business days
Fiscal Sponsorship at IFCO allows domestic and international groups committed to social justice work to use our 501c3 tax-exempt status to seek grants, hold fundraisers and solicit tax-deductible gifts.
In order for IFCO to consider providing fiscal sponsorship, the group must illustrate a mission that is in sync with IFCO’s which includes:
- Fighting human and civil rights injustices
- Developing programs designed to improve people’s own communities
- Supporting the poor and disenfranchised in developing and sustaining community organizations
IFCO will not sponsor projects with activities that support elected officials or those running for political office or promoting violence.