IFCO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, charitable corporation under Section 501-c-3 of the U.S. tax code. As such, IFCO may receive funds on behalf of another project which may be unincorporated, or which does not have 501-c-3 status, as long as those funds are used for not-for-profit, charitable purposes. Fiscal sponsorship makes it possible for your project to apply for grants from sources like foundations, which are required by law to give grants to 501-c-3 organizations; or for supporters to make tax-deductible contributions by making their donations to IFCO, designated for your work.
IFCO invites grassroots progressive organizations and projects to utilize our fiscal sponsorship services. Take a look here at some of the projects we presently sponsor above.
We prioritize social justices work in areas such as:
Cross-movement solidarity
Immigration rights/border justice
Environmental justice
Economic justice
International solidarity
Prison reform-prison industrial complex
Indigenous rights
IFCO is not able to offer fiscal sponsorship services to projects based outside the U.S.
IFCO charges an administrative fee of 10 percent for all income we process on behalf of a sponsored project. This offsets our costs for administration, bookkeeping, etc.
IFCO is not, at this time, able to offer payroll or financial administration services for projects.
See our online Application for Fiscal Sponsorship form here. If, after looking it over, you wish to pursue fiscal sponsorship with IFCO, complete the application form and return it as directed. Your application will be reviewed by our committee and we will be in touch with you about next steps, which may include further correspondence and a possible brief Zoom conversation with our committee.